Thursday, March 31, 2011

Not This Shit Again

This what I felt like doing it(why did you not grind more to make a better picture) today because I don't have a handicap any more. I did the way most people do it with the opacity and, layer effect I didn't need to do more and all I used was the pencil tool not the brush tool because I don't want much variation right now, that's why I did a hard color version last time but I wasn't going to leave it fully on hard colors. I will have to say this is the first CG I have finished so I'm satisfied and, not forget life is like a coren grind game. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Just Sayin

I have fixed the archives, as in if anyone decides to look back at least now you won't get raped by over loading images and text, and links etc. I'm also going to start adding some more specific tags, while being aware of that tag limit, its allows up to 10 tags? I didn't check.

 I'm sure the CEO's or who ever runs the search engines had a good laugh with this now the world can see my ass pain.
[edit]By request

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Have Some Images

Filler because I don't feel like making a cool story or adding descriptions, anyways enjoy!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Moe Line up

If you think moe is simply just cute girls doing cute things then your doing it wrong. Moe is that strange feeling that makes you interested or attached (its  like subliminal messages) I remember when I use to see that school swimsuit at 16 and it was all over the place and now ...

That Metaphor

Wow when I saw this scene it made me go oh wow because, it does happen. Also I'm starting to reply less in blogs for some reason but I still lurk and have a read. Double posting to day this time too.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cool poses

It was a long since I posted some line art how2selfdiscipline( I don't think making a line a day would work, I should just reference more so I can think less). At least I was getting some some stuff on paper from time to time and, I didn't drop that snake GIF but didn't start it I will try to get around doing it this week and next week.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cool Story and Trickster Online

So far I had a bunch of stuff that I was going to post, like how I exterminated a roach infestation, and I was going to make a bias post with some silly images on the side, silly drawings which I didn't do for about a week or two with some facts also I just got a tree book recently and I'm going to blog about the exotic tress and, of course animu line ups all that I put up there I have watched  and there is the MMO stuff. I have the titles of the posts of what I had in mind and what not but I don't write any thing down unless I'm going to put it up that day.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Can't Think of a Title

I tonned down a bit after the mess in Japan.The previous big disaster was the Haiti one, well that one is I can recall inb4 inactive volcanoes start erupting( that reminds of that smoke that blocked the planes from moving across the Atlantic Ocean).
There is some images on the damage here, that sucks when you lose your home and your assets and, you can't just skip the deaths.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

MMO Stories

Finally a game that I have enjoyed playing even thought it wasn't filled with QUALITY, I was also disappointed because I found this game after I finished high school, the game was released at January or some thing aslo this was the time period when Dragonica, S4 league and, Latale beta came out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New background

I didn't do any thing the past two days, well maybe just watching anime and playing games.
The new background is now kyoka sama so priase her awesomeness!

This is the old background it is a cool picture but I didn't make the whole image fit for the blog got lazy.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dumping Some Images

I'm going upload some images this time. That is all at least I think got over being nocturnal again I hope, it seriously makes time fly.

Friday, March 4, 2011

MMO Stories

The others I have played or gave it a shot during the following year may not say much about it because I didn't reach beyond the level 20 mark and or the game was hosted for a limited time. We are almost at the point were I'm playing the present games too, that's were I will have some videos and or screen caps I may do a nostalgia check too, taking screen caps.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Daily Dose

I must put up a daily dose!
All of a sudden every time you hear interior a crocodile and an alligator comes up automatically and, moving randomly to a strange tune. You will never figure out the proper name to call the samurai dude and, you want to be saved by touma.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Some Thing to Blog About I Guess

 So I decided to watch some animu today I watched  because Ctp. awesome reminded me that an anime that I wanted to watch called Kyoran Kazoku Nikki which was on my watching note pad text file, then I was like ........

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

MMO Stories

Yes now were on Grandchase, I found out about the game through e-mail because it was from the same company for trickster and pangya( pangya was not out in the north american ntrevee that time it was on og planet and ntrevee was like fuck your shit were taking our game back so its on ntrevee now). My friends didn't play this game that's the period of time were I just play games alone even though when I did play a game with my friends we are barely on at the same time otaku guy or,  he wants to do something else that's what the hipster guy does.